is a landscape architectural studio based in Berlin and registered in Germany and France. We work in the field of landscape architecture, urban planning and urban design. The studio was founded in 2010 by Christian Bohne, Anna Lundquist and Alexandre Mellier and works with a variety of different partners from Germany, France, Sweden and Denmark. Without losing sight of the conceptual strength of the design, we develop solutions for the urban field of tension in which we work as landscape architects. Berlin is our base and dynamic and charming source of constant inspiration. Our differentiated cultural background is a generator for the inspiring office atmosphere and we believe that this makes us more sensitive to the answers to the urban tasks of our time. In our teamwork we see the key to fulfill our demands. In the consideration, further development and further use of influences, ideas and circumstances we see the key to fulfill tomorrow's requirements and to design a socially sustainable and identity-rich environment. In our design, we focus on landscape-architecturally generated themes and strategies, such as seasonal rhythm, soil, water cycles, plants - and since the artificial is inherent in urban space, the contrasting coexistence of hardscape and softscape. AND... we believe in having fun at work!